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A place to call home

Types of Supports

Individuals live on their own, share homes or live with persons who welcome them into their home.

How to Access Support

To access these supports please call Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)- 1-877-376-4674 or visit Developmental Services Ontario

Supports varies from a few hours each week to 24-hour supports.

Shared Living
  • People living together in homes in various neighbourhoods with supports.
Support Home Living
  • An individual or family who welcomes a person into their home.
  • This is a contractual arrangement with various responsibilities that are related to the interests and desires of the person who chooses this type of home.
Supported Independent Living
  • An individual who lives alone or with a friend, and chooses the type of supports they want.

More Information

If you are interested in welcoming people to live in your home please contact Tiffany Beverly, Supervisor of Adult Services at (905) 735-0081.

Examples of Support

  • Enhancing abilities (Cooking, Banking, Budgeting, Personal Care, etc.)
  • Communication and Relationship Building
  • Community Connections
  • Recreation and Leisure
  • Health and Well-being
  • Advocacy
  • To offer supports that enable people to participate in the community with dignity and respect
  • Physical and social inclusion
  • Advocacy for individuals to assist them in obtaining supports
  • Solicit direction from the individual and their families or guardians to ensure that needs are being met and supports provided are determined by the person’s choices

Supports where you work, live and enjoy your community

What We Do

Support people in locating and maintaining competitive employment, develop job readiness skills and build social roles through Community Participation.

Job Developers, Job Coaches and Leisure Support Staff explore these options with people, discuss opportunities and build a plan.

Community Living Employment Services

Employment Services, in partnership FedCap Program for the Hamilton/Niagara Region. This enables us to support people facing any type of employment barrier.

Looking for Competitive Employment

Employment Services has proven expertise in matching potential employees to employer who looking for 20 or more hours per week.

If you would like more information about Employment Services or if you are an employer looking for employees please contact:

Lisa Lane
Coordinator of Adult Services 
Tel: 905-732-1023
Fax: 905-732-0528

Job Readiness

There are many skills that employers look for when finding the right employee. Being successful in a new job often mean learning many skills and understanding what is expected as an employee.

If you are involved in our community participation services ask your Leisure Support Staff of coach about support in being ready for the world of work.

Being a Volunteer

There are many ways to give back to our community, contribute and gain those key skills necessary for work.

Being a volunteer does all this and support building relationships, building a resume and gaining references for future work or volunteer opportunities.

Community Participation

Leisure Support staff support people in building relationship, social roles and exploring interests in our community.

How we do this

We look at the places and spaces in our community where people are likely to meet others with the same interests, explore something new and give of ones time as a citizen to things important to the person and our community as a whole.

More Info

For more information about Community Participation, Job Readiness and Volunteering please contact:

Patti Goodfield 905-735-0081 ext. 252

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)- 1-877-376-4674 or visit Developmental Services Ontario

Please note there is a referral process for all of the listed services.

Community Mental Wellness Clinic

(Specializing in Sexuality)

Community Clinic

The community clinic is a specialized service that supports individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities who have experienced challenges related to sexuality, sometimes resulting in intersections with the criminal justice system. Assessment and treatment is based on a Biological, Psychological and Socio-environmental Model of Care. This model of care distinctly recognizes the relationship and mutuality one’s medical conditions, mental health vulnerabilities, emotional well-being and socio-environmental factors can affect overall wellness.

Requirements for clinical services:

Referral from Developmental Services Ontario

Referral from family physician and/or psychiatrist (once admission into the clinic has been confirmed)

Clinical Team

Deborah Richards, M.A., RP
Consultant & Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
Pelham Psychotherapy & Associates,
Fonthill, ON

Contact Information:

Access to Clinic please contact – Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)- 1-877-376-4674 or visit Developmental Services Ontario

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