In Memoriam

This page is dedicated to those who were a part of Community Living Welland Pelham.
They touched our lives and the lives of so many others.
This page is dedicated to those who were a part of Community Living Welland Pelham.
They touched our lives and the lives of so many others.
Marlene Shaubel
Susie Hemingway
Irene Ogrodzinsky
Peter Rosbak
Tom Roscoe
Sharon McArthur
Vince Dudas
Bari Spring
Jeremy Winnicki
Linda Mahally
Verna Stinson
Peter VanDerGulik
Bill Kay
Wayne Brown
Betty May
George Gilvear
Cindy Blaney
Steve Chupik
Robert Urquhart
Peter Pasco
Ivo Caira
Alain Chiasson
David King
Linda Robins
Adam Holmes
Jim Sourwine
Bruce Brehaut
Jim Luchyshyn
John Kozela
Steve Balint
Frank Grdenic
Angela Dellemonache
David Leroux
Brian Kidd
Peter Delle Monache
Fred Crouch
Chuck Richardson
Giselle Valee
Donna MacCabe
Lina Marasco
Susan Hill
Dan Langlois
Suzie Fountain
Jo Zucchet
Barb Zahn
Shelley Dube
Donald Raholly
Bunny (Alexandra) Hamilton
Andrea Collins
Hugette Nadeau
John Hills
Carolyn Dyck
Donald Booker
Greg Strachan
Adrian Mierop
Theresa Guilmette
Elgin Schram
Wayne Doan
Robert Toulouse
Sara Drope
Irene Sopinka
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