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A Return to Community

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From Community Living Canada and People First CanadaToronto, Ontario, March 11, 2013 – Today, the Alberta government announced the closure of the North and South facilities at Michener Centre, a residential facility for people

Introducing Our New Website

Community Living Welland Pelham is pleased to introduce the reinvention of our newly designed website!  A survey was sent out to capture ideas and thoughts as to what people would like to see. It is our hope that the new look and feel will be

2012 Inclusion Award Recipients

The Board of Directors of Community Living Welland Pelham, in recognizing the importance of inclusion, is proud to announce the 2012 recipients of the Community Inclusion Award. The 2012 recipients of the Community Inclusion Award are:  Deb Zahra


Road to SUCCESS is a Pre-employment Program offered through Community Living Welland Pelham, funded by Service Canada with our first session beginning July 3, 2012. We are located at 43 Hagar Street, Welland, ON; which is on an accessible bus

Opening Doors Newsletter May 2012

Opening Doors is Community Living Welland Pelham’s quarterly newsletter. We want to share stories about people supported by our association, our employees and the community.  Opening Doors has a new design and we hope you will enjoy it!  Currently it

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