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Community Living Welland Pelham’s Annual Dinner, Dance, Silent Auction and 70th Anniversary Celebration!

Our Annual Dinner Dance and Silent Auction is back!

Tickets are now available! This is our signature event and the night is a lot of fun…..not to mention it is the best meal in town. Featuring: Pre-Dinner Entertainment David Ian Andrea, Dinner Entertainment: Frank Krahn, Dance Entertainment: Introduction

We would like to be sold out again this year!
Dinner Dance Details:
November 18, 2023 Croatian National Home
Symposium and Auction – 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Dinner at 7:00pm
Dance will begin after last item is awarded
Tickets are $75.00 each and you can reserve tables of 8.
Please contact Kerry Thomas for tickets 905-735-0081 ext. 249 or

Come celebrate some holiday cheer with us!

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